Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ghandi's Mind, Full Cirlce ( Entry # 8)

As I read further and further in this book, I begin to realize that the psychology of Gandhi is far more different that what I would have expected. I would think that Gandhi would be an almost holy man, with the blessings of God bestowed upon him, even though he wasn't Christian... Yet I come to realize, that he is a man, and worst of all, a politician...

Gandhi suffered since his youth an incapability to deal with his feelings, as shown when he marries Katsurbai at 13 and intents to have sex with her all the time. This instills a great deal of suspicion and jealousy in Gandhi, he becomes a control freak, and beat his wife in certain occasions. He was manipulative and always had his way with people, or at least tried. He would even manipulate Gokhal, one of his inspirations, with whom he became friends and partners with, to help him in his mission. The Khilafat alliance wasn't something all in the All-Indian Congress wanted, Gandhi would sway the crowds in any possible way to get them to agree with him, even if they didn't believe in him.

On the bright side, Gandhi did have good intentions in for the people of India. He did want freedoms, and full rights given to them that English were reluctant to. He was disgusted how the English would treat an Indian like a slave, and beat him like he was a wild animal. It is now that I get a full look at Gandhi mind, he was indeed no more or less than human, and was just as messed up as everyone else. Yet he had great love for his nation to be, so that it would become a free, sovereign nation of India, but it would reflect Gandhi ideals...

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